Summer Camp – Woodruff 2022


07/09/2022 - 07/17/2022    
All Day


Camp Woodruff
31 Woodruff Dr., Blairsville, GA, 30512

Event Type

Download Troop 787 Camp Woodruff Summer Camp Information Guide

Download Summer Camp 2022 Program Guide
Download Summer Camp 2022 Program Schedule
More info at Camp Woodruff Website

July 4th  Updates from Jeramy

Trailer loading for Camp Woodruff happens in three short days on Thursday, July 7th at 6:00pm.
ALL CAMPERS, scouts and adults, need to attend this important activity.
The purpose of this Thursday’s loading is to provide adequate time to ensure all paperwork and medications are in order and to get the footlockers and gear loaded properly in the trailer.
This makes our departure on Saturday morning quick and easy.
If you are unable to make this you must contact Jeramy Gatza ASAP to discuss alternate arrangements.

Please review the following carefully (both scouts and parents) for final reminders and departure procedures. Note:  the packing process, transportation logistics, and campsite set up at Woodruff are very different than La No Che. Pay close attention to the details below.
  • Review every page of the Troop 787 Woodruff Summer Camp Guide –
  • Campers are sleeping in two-person canvas platform tents with cots. You do not need to bring a mattress like La No Che.
  • Platform tents have open-air tent flaps (like Thunder), some campers like to bring mosquito netting to put around their cot.
  • It will be warm and humid, bring a battery-powered fan and extra batteries.
  • There is no power at our campsite.  Do not bring any plug-in fans or other items.
  • All gear except for camp chairs and your daypack must fit inside the footlocker.
  • LABEL ALL GEAR WITH SCOUT NAME – shirts, shorts, underwear, socks, and hats are the most lost and unclaimed items after camp each year.
  • Put your name on the front-facing side of your footlocker.
  • All footlockers will be loaded into the trialler on Thursday, July 7th 2 days before departure.
  • Do not pack your daypack and water bottle in your footlocker.  Bring these with you on Saturday 7/9.
  • Scouts are responsible for their meal purchases to camp and from camp on transportation days (2 meals per day, 2 days).  Plan for $30-40 each way. Money for the departure meals on 7/9 should be held in their daypack.  Money for the return meals on 7/16 should be separated with a paperclip in their bank envelope.

In order to ensure a speedy departure on Saturday, we will pre-pack all gear into the trailers on Thursday, July 7th.  Footlockers will not be accessible on the departure day, pack accordingly.

  1. Adult and Scout Leaders(SPL, ASPLs) arrive at Willow Creek at 5:30 pm for the packing process set up.
  2. SCOUT AND PARENT arrive at Willow Creek by 6:00 pm.
  3. SCOUT AND PARENT final medical and permission forms check. Check-in medications on log. Everyone must complete this step, even if you do not have any medication to turn in.
  4. SCOUT AND PARENT turn in an envelope containing bank funds and lock combination. (Note: bundle return meal funds with a paperclip in the envelope to keep them separate.)
  5. SCOUT takes the footlocker to the SPL at the trailer for uniform and combination check.
  6. SCOUT demonstrates to SPL/ASPL that they can open the combination lock on their footlocker
  7. SCOUT shows SPL/ASPL that he has his Class A Uniform packed on top of other gear inside his footlocker.
  8. SCOUT takes their footlocker over to the trailer to be loaded
  9. SCOUT AND PARENT Confirm with Mr. Gatza check-in and final loading and can be dismissed.


  1. Arrive at Willow Creek Church by 6:00 am with a daypack, meal money, and water bottle.
  2. Troop assembly for announcements, roll call, and driver assignments.
  3. Prayer/reflection and departure by 6:30 am.
  4. Stop at a predetermined lunch location.
  5. Stop at a predetermined dinner location.
  6. Arrive at camp – targeting 6:00 pm.

Wear comfortable shorts, Troop T-shirt, and camp-appropriate shoes. Bring a daypack with a full reusable water bottle, snacks, and personal electrics/reading material (and chargers/power bank). Any rescue medication should be kept in the scout’s daypack or on their person. Bring a personal face-covering in case it is required by local guidelines.

If you have any questions about the process outlined above, please reach out to your ASM or Mr. Gatza.

June 26th  Updates from Jeramy

We are going to have an amazing time at camp with 34 scouts and 11 adults. In order to make the most of our time and maximize our fun, all campers need to be prepared!

Please review the following carefully (both scouts and parents) for final reminders and departure procedures. Note: the packing process, transportation logistics, and campsite set up at Woodruff are very different than La No Che. Pay close attention to the details below.

  • Review every page of the Troop 787 Woodruff Summer Camp Guide
  • Campers are sleeping in two-person canvas platform tents with cots. You do not need to bring a mattress like La No Che.
  • Platform tents have open-air tent flaps (like Thunder), some campers like to bring mosquito netting to put around their cot.
  • It will be warm and humid, bring a battery-powered fan and extra batteries.
  • There is no power at our campsite.  Do not bring any plug-in fans or other items.
  • All gear except for camp chairs and your daypack must fit inside the footlocker.
  • LABEL ALL GEAR WITH SCOUT NAME – shirts, shorts, underwear, socks, and hats are the most lost and unclaimed items after camp each year.
  • Put your name on the front-facing side of your footlocker.
  • All footlockers will be loaded into the trailer on Thursday, July 7th 2 days before departure.
  • Do not pack your daypack and water bottle in your footlocker.  Bring these with you on Saturday 7/9.
  • Scouts are responsible for their meal purchases to camp and from camp on transportation days (2 meals per day, 2 days).  Plan for $30-40 each way. Money for the departure meals on 7/9 should be held in their daypack.  Money for the return meals on 7/16 should be separated with a paperclip in their bank envelope.


In order to ensure a speedy departure on Saturday, we will pre-pack all gear into the trailers on Thursday, July 7th.  Footlockers will not be accessible on the departure day, pack accordingly.

  1. Adult and Scout Leaders(SPL, ASPLs) arrive at Willow Creek at 5:30 pm for the packing process set up.
  2. SCOUT AND PARENT arrive at Willow Creek by 6:00 pm.
  3. SCOUT AND PARENT final medical and permission forms check. Check-in medications on log. Everyone must complete this step, even if you do not have any medication to turn in.
  4. SCOUT AND PARENT turn in an envelope containing bank funds and lock combination. (Note: bundle return meal funds with a paperclip in the envelope to keep them separate.)
  5. SCOUT takes the footlocker to the SPL at the trailer for uniform and combination check.
  6. SCOUT demonstrates to SPL/ASPL that they can open the combination lock on their footlocker
  7. SCOUT shows SPL/ASPL that he has his Class A Uniform packed on top of other gear inside his footlocker.
  8. SCOUT takes their footlocker over to the trailer to be loaded
  9. SCOUT AND PARENT Confirm with Mr. Gatza check-in and final loading and can be dismissed.


  1. Arrive at Willow Creek Church by 6:00 am with a daypack, meal money, and water bottle.
  2. Troop assembly for announcements, roll call, and driver assignments.
  3. Prayer/reflection and departure by 6:30 am.
  4. Stop at a predetermined lunch location.
  5. Stop at a predetermined dinner location.
  6. Arrive at camp – targeting 6:00 pm.


Wear comfortable shorts, Troop T-shirt, and camp-appropriate shoes. Bring a daypack with a full reusable water bottle, snacks, and personal electrics/reading material (and chargers/power bank). Any rescue medication should be kept in the scout’s daypack or on their person. Bring a personal face-covering in case it is required by local guidelines.

May 1st  Updates from Jeramy

We had a great overview meeting last week and got much of our paperwork out of the way. We do have a few more things to handle.

First, if your medical forms are not up to date with the troop medical officer, including physical (part C) within one year of the camp dates, please take care of that ASAP. Copy of forms must be submitted to camp 2 weeks prior so please do not wait until the last minute. This includes adult campers as well.

Woodruff campers – there is one more waiver to be signed for the Whitewater rafting trip. Download it here and bring it to Tuesday’s meeting

For those of you that missed Tuesday’s meeting, the Camp Packet with permissions slips are located here.

April 20th Updates from Jeramy

Activity registration for Camp Woodruff is complete.

  • The troop will be doing a whitewater rafting trek on Thursday afternoon during period 5,6,7.
  • A small group will be doing the canoe overnighter on Wednesday evening (page 26 in the program guide). Availability was limited so the group was based on those who said YES on the registration form.

See Jeramy’s email on April 20th about the individual schedules for each camper. Please review and print your schedule. Any change request must be submitted before May 1st and will be based on availability. Reply to [email protected] with requests or questions.


  • Full Payment of $550 for scouts and $350 for adults is due by May 3rd Troop Meeting. Those not paid risk having their registration removed. (we have to pay fees to camp for each camper)
  • All medical forms (A/B/C) are due to the health office by May 3rd Troop Meeting.
  • Next week 4/26 troop meeting is a mandatory summer camp gear and policy and procedure review for scouts and parents.

April 17th Updates from Jeramy

Full payment for Woodruff Summer Camp is now due.
The full cost is $550 for scouts and $350 for adults.  This includes all standard camp fees, meals at camp, custom T-shirt, and transportation to and from camp.  Once all final transportation logistics are finalized, any reduction in total cost will be remitted to scout accounts accordingly.
Please pay all your remaining balances by Tuesday 5/3 Troop Meeting at the latest.
If you paid the minimum $90 deposit, your remaining fees are $460 for scouts and $260 for adults.
Reminder, that the troop finance table is closed this week during the court of honor but will be open on 4/26 and 5/3.  Payment can also be made via paypal ([email protected]), be sure to add the 3% surcharge and clearly label “Woodruff 2022” and the scout/adult in the memo.
Once payment is made forward yellow receipt and/or PayPal receipt to Jeramy Gatza ([email protected] / 407-766-6999).

March 26th Updates from Jeramy

Woodruff activity choices are due tomorrow. If we do not receive a filled out form, scouts will not be registered for activities and will be placed on the waitlist.

March 16th Updates from Jeramy

Its that time – time to select your activities for Camp Woodruff.
The choices are more varied an a bit more complicated than La No Che, so be sure to review the Program Guide and Program Schedule closely.
In order to register everyone when the online system opens, we need your activity choices by Sunday, March 27th.  Submitting after this date may impact class availability.
Scout Activity Registration form –