Status Update for Troop 787

Update on 8/31/2020:

This week – September 1st:
  • We will open the courtyard, Room 102 (is the committee room)  and the bathroom on the courtyard that is on the Room 204 side of the courtyard.   Room 204 may be accessed to get Flags, Committee cart, etc.
  • All other activities are planned to be outside in the big field near the sheds/trailers.
  • Cleanup crew will need to clean the rooms we used.   
September 8th and beyond:
  • This week we have full access to the facilities we have had in the past EXCEPT Room 300 (we used as Committee Room, now it will be Room 102).   
  • Rooms 500 (big room upstairs), 501 & 502 classroom – These rooms will be available for patrol meetings and 4 breakout sessions.  
  • Room 103 – This room will be available for patrol meetings/breakout sessions.
  • Front left and Front right of the chapel will be for 2 patrols/breakout sessions.
  • Courtyard will be available for patrols/breakout sessions
  • The foyer and back left of the chapel will be for Sign-ups and Boards of Review.  Plus 204 available for BORs.  
  • Room 300 – Old committee room will be in-use by a WCC group recording online worship, we need to avoid disturbing them.   
  • The Troop Court of Honor is on the calendar for September 29th, we have to check COVID-19 guidelines, etc in order to make this happen.   We may need to postpone, more to follow.

Update on 8/25/2020:

  • Confirmed Sept 19th is Annual Planning Conference
  • Waiting on confirmation on when we can start meeting every Tuesday – Could be as soon as Sept 1st
  • Masks will be required along with social distancing
  • Sanitizer will be onsite and used
  • Cleanup crew will be assigned each month and a detailed cleaning effort will be done

Campout – COVID-19 Guidelines:

  • All attendees must be temperature checked.
  • Any recent sickness excludes the scout from attending.
  • A washing station at the church to wash hands prior to departure.
  • All people in a vehicle will wear masks.
  • Any families who prefer to not have their scouts ride in a car with others will provide their own transportation to/from the campout.

Update on 8/18/2020:

  • Confirmed Sept 19th is Annual Planning Conference
  • Waiting on confirmation on when we can start meeting every Tuesday – Could be as soon as Sept 1st
  • Masks will be required along with social distancing
  • Sanitizer will be onsite and used
  • Cleanup crew will be assigned each month and a detailed cleaning effort will be done


Duane Fogg
Scoutmaster Troop 787