Scouting Thought

Shared from another Scouting thread…

If you want your kids to learn how to become athletes and become physically active, you send them to sports camp.

If you want your kids to learn how to cook, you send them to culinary school.

If you want your kids to learn how to swim, you sign them up for swimming lessons.

If you want your kids to learn how to perform and act in front of crowds, you send them to theater camp.

If you want your kids to learn how to be a leader and a role model to their peers, you sign them up for leadership camp.

And if you want your kids to do all of the above, plus learn countless other life skills, and do it at 1/10 the price of what you’d pay for all those other camps…you sign your kids up with the Boy Scouts of America.

I’ll take you and your 11+ year olds camping. Primitive style. No electricity. No running water. No concrete. No steel. No porcelain. No electronics.
Plenty of team building, problem solving, conflict management, self reliance, confidence building and creative thinking opportunities – all without the use of texting or the internet. Imagine that! 

It will become your best connectivity.

John Muir said “a week in the outdoors for children is better than 6 months in the classroom.”