New Adults to Troop 787

This is for all new adults to Troop 787 or those adults who are getting involved but have been “Not Registered” with the troop.

See Danny Negron in the Committee room for your Adult Registration application.

As you become more involved with troop activities, once you accumulate a total of 72 hours of activities per BSA policy you must register with the BSA to continue to participate.   In the troop we have 2 primary roles (Committee or Assistant Scoutmaster) and secondary role of Merit Badge Counselor which all require registering with BSA.    

Registering in any of the roles allows you to do all troop activities:  monthly campouts, summer camps, high adventure, etc.

BSA is tightening their requirements where all adults who interact with scouts must be registered.   Registration does involve a back ground check, our charter Willow Creek has to approve each adult and puts you under a multi-million dollar BSA Liability Policy.   

We also require each leader to go through the training required for your role up to and including IOLS.  Wood Badge is a personal choice and not required to be a registered leader. Each scout deserves a “Trained” leader.

Having everyone trained and understanding the scout methods, structure, guidelines keeps everyone on the same page.   Troop 787 has very little to no “political issues” in our leadership team.  Key reasons:  all are trained and we keep everyone informed so we are transparent to all.   

There are Guides that we must follow:   Guide to Advancement and Guide to Safe Scouting.

Guide to Safe Scouting is key for any outing, in this document are all the allowable things we can do and it covers things that are prohibited.   The key here, is as long as we operate inside the Guide to Safe Scouting, BSA Liability Insurance covers us all.  Once we go beyond the boundaries then we personally assume responsibility and BSA coverage stops.  Troop 787 does not go beyond, we are committed to protecting scouts and also all families who are involved in the troop.

Duane Fogg