How does our Annual Recharter work due to changes via National

For the past many years the troop has gone through an annual recharter process where we confirm you are renewing your troop/scouting membership and pay the National and Council fees.  This you paid to the troop and we submitted all paperwork and fees as a Unit/Troop.   

For those that did not recharter during that process and joined at different times during the year, your annual renewal is the date you joined.

New Method to Recharter with BSA:
We will NOT be doing the UNIT method as we have done in the past.

Each of us will receive a renewal notice approximately 60 days prior to the due date.  Each of us MUST process their renewal individually and pay the fees direct through the renewal process. No fees or paperwork will come through the troop.   
You MUST do this process or you will be dropped off the troop roster and have to go through a re-register process.

Your renewal is also dependent on your Youth Protection Training status that has to be done every 2 years. Suggest you check and do the training before expiration. Brent Garrison is our Training Chair and he monitors status and will remind you to get it done.

Council sends the Key 3 of the Troop with who renewed, who dropped each month.

Duane Fogg