Cooking Merit Badge Hike

Date: 12/17/2022

This hike covers the cooking merit badge requirement 6D-E-F ( Trail and backpacking meals.)

Christmas Party

Date: 12/13/2022

White Elephant Gift Exchange
No uniforms, Christmas festive wear – ugly sweaters, etc.

Equipment Move Day

Date: 12/04/2022

Camping – Webelos/AOL Transition

Date: 12/02/2022 to 12/04/2022

Camping – Camp Shands

Date: 11/18/2022 to 11/20/2022

A lot of cooking and eating where we carry-out cooking merit badge requirements 5 amongst others.

Scouting for Food Project

Date: 11/12/2022

The Pack and the Troop are a team and handle the same area, Pack drops off the bags, Troop picks them up.

Troop Meeting with Meteorologist Eric Burris

Date: 10/18/2022

As a part of our world towards the Weather Merit Badge, Meteorologist Eric Burris of WESH News Weather department has attended our Troop meeting to give the troop a presentation on his profession and the weather.

Raft Regatta @ Camp La-No-Che

Date: 09/16/2022 to 09/18/2022

The Scouts raced their rafts and competed in various events such as stretcher relay races, fire building and more. After the events they had an evening swim and enjoyed going down the waterslide at the Lanoche pool.

Many of the Troops that attended competed before and for us it was our first time.
17 Troops participated and some Troops had several rafts. We as a Troop had 32 Scouts with 5 Rafts Competing.

Some rafts fell apart, some flipped over and others sank. All of our rafts floated and completed the 1 mile course. Yes, 1 mile of paddling. It was not easy but our Scouts prevailed!

Our Troop brought home 3 Awards!  
One 1 st Place Award and  Two 2nd Place Awards 

Raft Regatta Prep

Date: 08/30/2022, 09/06/2022

7 Patrols met at the Shed’s and worked really hard at finishing their builds. Great Job Scouts! We got 5 Rafts competing.

RunYak @ Secret Lake Park

Date: 08/27/2022

Troop 787 helps support the Casselberry Runyak race fundraiser

Summer Camp @ Woodruff

Dates: 07/09/2022 to 07/16/2022

WOW, what an amazing week we had at Camp Woodruff. We had 33 scouts and 11 adults attend and completed 144 merit badges and awards during the week.
Enjoy Pictures @ Summer Camp Woodruff!

Summer Camp @ Lanoche

Dates: 06/05/2022 to 06/11/2022

WOW! We had an amazing week at Camp La No Che with 33 scouts and 5 adult leaders attending. Troop 787 made a huge impression on camp winning 5 ribbons including: Unit Honor award, Camp Spirit Award, Patrol Flag Award, Troop T-Shirt Award, and Troop Gateway Award. The troop also won watermelon for everyone for bringing the most guests to family night on Thursday. In total, the 33 scouts earned 173 merit badges/awards.
Enjoy Pictures @ Summer Camp Lanoche!