Troop Meeting (Physical Night)


6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Willow Creek Church
4725 E Lake Dr. , Winter Springs, FL, 32708

Event Type

  • Scout Physical Night
  • American Heritage MB Requirement: 2d, 4a & 4c
  • Load Trailers

Free Scout Physical Night

  1. You will need to have BSA Forms A, B1, and B2 filled out prior to arrival.
  2. You need to send a current vaccination record for your scout with the above forms. Don’t delay! Obtain a copy now so you will be ready on 3/22.
    • If you need to make a copy of the vaccination records PRIOR to the night of the physicals, please see Cheryl Drohan or Chris Camp.
  3. You will need to make a copy (front and back) of the insurance card for Troop records. These are NOT being used for any kind of medical submission.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Contact Cheryl Drohan, Troop Medical Chair

Class A uniform

Meeting space:
– Chapel (current meeting location)
– Room 102 (current committee room)
– Room 103, 204 & 500, 501 & 502 Only (2nd floor big room and first two classrooms – Patrol Meetings and break out sessions)