Summer Camp – La-no-che 2022


06/05/2022 - 06/11/2022    
All Day


Camp La-No-Che
41940 Boy Scout Rd., Paisley, FL, 32767

Event Type

Download Parent & Leader Guide and Program Guide from Summer Camp page at Camp La-No-Che

Download Troop 787 Camp La-No-Che Summer Camp Information Guide

If you have any questions please reach out.
Jeramy Gatza
ASM, Toxic Arrow Patrol
[email protected] / 407-766-6999

Updates from Jeramy on June 1st

We are 5 days away from summer camp!  Now is the time to review those last few items and make sure you are prepared. Review the prior message below for specifics and reach out if you have any questions.

A few reminders:
  • Scouts should bring a camp chair for use in camp and at the Family night pow wow on Thursday.
  • Label all clothes, personal items, water bottles, hats, underwear, socks, with your name.
  • Bring rain jacket that can be carried in your daypack – it will rain.
A few expectations:
  • Driver assignments will be handed out on Sunday
  • Bunk assignments will be handed out on Sunday – you will be bunking with your patrol.
  • The BSA swim test will happen Sunday afternoon – all scouts are required to do the swim test at camp.  Those who have a valid swim test on record (completed at April campout) are recommended to still do the test as it’s a nice cool off in the afternoon. La No Che staff can require a retest at any time.


Updates from Jeramy on May 22nd

Our first summer camp is 2 weeks away. We are departing for La No Che on the morning of Sunday, June 5th. Please carefully review the following reminders (scout and parents) and departure day procedures.

New Action – Please bring this completed LNC Covid Form on departure day


  • Read the Summer Camp Guide – both scout and parent should read every page
  • Pack accordingly: Page 6 of the camp guide has a detailed list. Some highlights:
    • Pack in a footlocker
    • Bring camp chair and mattress (do not have to fit in footlocker)
    • Bring non-cotton moisture-wicking underwear for each day (and some extra)
    • Bring body powder and chafing cream
    • Bring a water bottle (suggest 2)
    • Bring a day pack
    • LABEL EVERYTHING with scout name
  • There are no mattresses in the cabins, bring a comfortable sleeping pad or bunk mattress (cot sized).
  • Campsite 19 cabin assignment will be given on Sunday at departure and grouped by patrol/age group. Expect up to 10 scouts in your shared cabin most likely from your patrol or similarly aged patrols. All scouts must sleep in cabins, no personal tents without prior approval.
  • Print out your class schedule – refer the email from Jeramy on May 22nd and review required items and pre-requisites. Scouts should bring this schedule in their day pack.
  • We are still working on driver assignments, more info to come soon.

Departure day procedure (updated)
Location: Keeth Elementary at 10:00 am


  1. Adults, SPL, ASPLs, and Quartermaster arrive at Keeth Elementary at 9:30 am for the departure process set up
  2. SCOUT AND PARENT arrive at Keeth Elementary by 10:00 a.m.
  3. SCOUT AND PARENT Health Prescreening – Temperature check & COVID Waiver
  4. SCOUT AND PARENT final medical and permission forms check. Check-in medications on log. Do this even if you do not have any medication to turn in. This will serve as the official “check-in” for the trip.
  5. SCOUT AND PARENT turn in envelope containing bank funds and lock combination. Scout receives bunk assignment and bunk # label for footlocker.
  6. SCOUT takes their footlocker to the SPL at curbside for uniform and combination check.
    1. Scout demonstrates to SPL/ASPL that they can open their combination lock on their footlocker
    2. Scout shows SPL/ASPL that he has his Class A Uniform packed on top of other gear inside his footlocker.
    3. Scout takes their footlocker over to the trailer to be loaded
  7. Quartermaster and ASPLs organize scouts to load the trailer.
  8. SCOUT receives driver assignments.
  9. Troop assembly for announcements.
  10. Prayer/reflection, roll call, and departure at 10:45
  11. Arrive at La-No-Che at approximately 12:00, Lunch at campsite/tailgate.

Notable During Camp Week

  • Thursday Family Night and Native American Powwow – Starting at 4:30p, parents can come out to camp and visit their Scout and their unit for the evening. We will have activities for those attending as well as plenty of time to let your Scout show you what they have been up to during the week. You may choose to eat dinner with your Scout in the dining hall for an additional fee of $10.00 per person 13 and over, $5 for youth 4 to 12 – 3; under 3 eat free. Please let your scouts know if you plan to attend Family Night.
  • Troop Time evening activities are scheduled, highlights include:
    • Tuesday Cracker Barrel with Mr. Hoisington in campsite 19
    • Pizza party
    • Ice cream party
    • Pulp and Paper MB
    • Pool, waterfront, free-time activities.

Please reach out if you have any questions.


Updates from Jeramy on May 1st

We had a great overview meeting last week and got much of our paperwork out of the way. We do have a few more things to handle.

First, if your medical forms are not up to date with the troop medical officer, including physical (part C) within one year of the camp dates, please take care of that ASAP. Copy of forms must be submitted to camp 2 weeks prior so please do not wait until the last minute. This includes adult campers as well.

For those of you that missed Tuesday’s meeting, the Camp Packet with permissions slips are located here.

Updates from Jeramy on March 30th

Final payment of the full $400 fee is due to Finance no later than Tuesday, April 5th.  Any scouts not paid will be removed from the list and priority given to waitlisted scouts.  We will also be ordering the Summer Camp T-Shirts next week, payment must be in full to be included in the shirt order.

Most scouts have only paid the $50 deposit. The remaining $350 is due.  You can pay troop finance using the standard troop processes as detailed in Joci’s email on 3/21.  One method is to use PayPal and follow up with Joci and turn into me, Jeramy, the yellow receipt on Tuesday (or email me a picture of it works too). Remember, if using PayPal add 3% transaction fee to cover costs incurred to the troop. $350 + 3% = $360.50.

If you have previously paid your balance and not turned in the yellow receipt to me, please respond to this email that you are paid in full and the date of your settlement payment.  I will reconcile my records with Finance in the next week.

Adult Campers – We currently have three full week ASMs attending and wrangling the 31 scouts who will be having a blast at summer camp. We need more help. Adults attending are making a commitment to care for the scouts during the week, check in on them while in classes, and help them build awesome memories.  If you would like to attend the full week or partial week, the cost to cover lodging and meals is $100 for the full week or $50 for half week.  Yes, that’s right – you can come for half the week and split the spot with another adult.  You can choose to bunk in one of the Scoutmaster rooms in the activity shelter (with electricity and fans) or your personal tent.  If you are able to help out for a full or partial week please reply to this email and we can get you on the list.   Note: all adults need to be registered with the troop and complete required Youth Protection Training prior to camp.

Medical Forms – Complete medical forms part A/B/C are required for scout and adult campers by May 1st. This allows us to submit them to camp ahead of time. Send completed forms, vaccination records, and insurance cards to [email protected] no later than 5/1.

Updates from Jeramy on March 1st

Adult Leaders 
We need more adult leaders/parents to attend La No Che. We currently have 31 boys and 3 adults.  We have room for 2-3 more to help make an awesome week.   It is also possible to attend for a partial week if you want to split the week with another adult.  Please reach out to me if you have questions or desires to attend.
Required Full Payment by 4/1
The full fee for La No Che is $400. If you paid the required $50 deposit you have $350 remaining due by April 1st. Please pay finance at the Tuesday meeting or via Paypal ([email protected]) with a note of La No Che Summer Camp 2022. Any campers unpaid will be dropped from the roster. Unfortunately deposits are not refundable. Note: some classes like Primitive cooking have an extra fee, those scouts will be notified individually.
Required Med Forms and Physicals
Plan on attending the Troop Physical Night on March 22nd at 6pm to take care of your annual physical requirement.  You cannot camp without an updated physical.
Class Schedules
Registration for classes is complete! Check the email from Jeramy today (March 1st)! Attached to the email is a PDF with everyone’s 7 period day schedule.   Please review it, check out what your buddies have, and let me know if you have questions or request for changes.  Any changes would be based on individual class period availability and are not guaranteed.
We did our best efforts to get everyone classes from their top 5 choices and classes with other scouts from the troop.   Overall we are very happy with how the registration process went.
Also note the information about prerequisites, requirements not covered, and required gear. It is the scouts responsibility to make sure they are prepared for their classes.
If your name is not on the attached schedule list, we do not have you camping at LNC, reach out to me ASAP if that is a mistake.
More info and the official Troop summer camp guide will be distributed in coming weeks.

Updates from Jeramy on February 22nd

If you still wish to attend, reply back to [email protected] with confirmation you have paid [email protected] your $50 non refundable deposit.
Note: Troop 787 is registering all scouts and adults through our confirmed group reservation. Do not register directly through the Camp La No Che website.
 All campers need to take the following action before Friday, Feb 25.
1. Follow the Camp Tracker link that Jeramy sent an email on 2/22/2022.
2. Verify your name, patrol, & birthday – contact me if changes are needed.
3. Input your T-Shirt size using the drop down selection in  Column H for the row your name is listed
4. Input your parent email address in Column I for the row your name is listed
5. Input your top 10 class choices for summer camp in Columns J-S for the row your name is listed. Refer to the program guide at starting on page 8.
Find the class period matrix here. Many more classes are 2 and 3 periods long with the 7-period day schedule. This will help you when picking your top 10 choices.
These top 10 class choices will be used to register you for summer camp classes.
  • Up to 7 classes will be assigned
  • Some classes may occupy more than one class period
  • Class choices are not guaranteed
  • Every effort will be made to group Troop 787/Patrol scouts together in the same period for a given class
  • Scouts are not permitted to have an “off period”
  • Class preferences submitted after 2/25 may have limited availability