Summer Camp – Daniel Boone 2021


07/10/2021 - 07/18/2021    
All Day


Camp Daniel Boone
3647 Little East Fork Rd., Canton, NC, 28716

Event Type

Downlaod Parent Guide Camp Daniel Boone 2021 and Read it before leave!

Updated on July 7th

  • Personal Gear (Contico) Check-in and Load – FRIDAY 5pm to 7pm (rear of church under canopy)
  • Camp Bank Deposits – FRIDAY 5pm to 7pm
  • Check-in / Temperature Check – SATURDAY 5:30am (rear of church under canopy)
  • Medication Check-in* SATURDAY 5:30am

 * Medication Log attached please fill this out ahead of time and bring competed form(s) to check-in.  Please note this form only allows for two medications, if more than two medication are being checked-in please use additional forms.


Updated on July 1st

All of leaders met Tuesday to finalize our trip and made some changes. PLEASE FULLY READ THE PARENT GUIDE!!!! If your scout is going to Daniel Boone, they will need to be present at Tuesday’s meeting and parents are to stay as well. We don’t want any confusion with departure and any policy updates. Here are some highlighted changes we went over this week.
  • Tuesday scouts will be meeting with their SPL, Alex Casey, and ASPL’s Noel Cuadarado and Dylan McCarthy to discuss expectations for the trip. These boys will be in charge of leading the troop and the ASM’s will be there for guidance and anything the SPL and ASPL’s might need assistance with.
  • We will load the trailer with cooking items for our first night and make sure everything is ready for Friday.
  • We are loading the trailers with the foot lockers on Friday 7/9 in the breeze way near the main entrance to the church.
  • Friday 7/9, Mr. Kuritzky will be gathering money for the scout to spend, while at camp, in an envelope, with a lock combo written on it, along with a budget for your scout for each day. SMALL BILLS! Please budget for meals on the way back.
  • SPL and ASPL’s will do a foot locker check to make sure all of the items needed are accounted for. WRITE YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON EVERYTHING!!!
  • The scout’s Class A should be right on top! We will need to wear this to check in for camp. Neckerchief is not required.
  • Fishing gear is also going in the trailer, so please bring that Friday night and keep in mind we have limited space.
  • We have changed the departure time for Saturday 7/10! We will now be meeting at Willow Creek Church at 5:30am and will be leaving at 6:00am sharp! Please do not be late! It is a long drive to NC!
  • All medications should be written on the scout’s money envelope. We would also like to know what the medication is for, if you’re comfortable sharing, so we can be aware of any situation that may come up. Mr. Staines will be collecting meds and taking temperatures. This will serve as check in for the trip.
  • Anything they are bringing Saturday for the ride will need to fit in a backpack and will be stored with them at their feet or on their lap. Pack light! Make sure they have money for two meals and they are fed breakfast!!
  • Mask policies have been updated at CDB!! Masks are only required indoors and at the campfire ring!
  • Bring water shoes for white water rafting. Flip flops or crocs will not be a wise choice for rafting.
  • Electronics will be placed in ziploc bags, not provided by the troop, with the scout’s name on them for storage in a safe place.
  • We will return from CDB Saturday 7/17 around the night time hours! I will email everyone when we leave and our ETA. The scout’s must be released by their SPL before leaving!!
  • I still need some waivers and medical forms. Please let me know if you sent them to me already, I have been trying to print the ones emailed to me, but work has been a bit busy! Thank you for your patience.

Please email or text with questions 407-529-7876



Updated on May 17th

Parents are asked to attend as well, particularly those of scouts that have never attend summer camp with Troop 787. Attached you will find a 787 specific Guide for our excursion to Camp Daniel Boone. This guide should cover most questions you might have. Please review it and bring any questions to tomorrow’s meeting.


Updated on May 16th

We will be having a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, May 18th at 7:00pm during the Troop Meeting. Since there is a lot of common information, we will be doing a joint meeting with the group going to Camp LaNoChe. We will then split off and have a break out session specific to Camp Daniel Boone. Any Campers/parents that are attending both summer camps, should go with the Camp LaNoChe break out session and catch the rest of ours if we are still running.


Updated on May 7th

The Final tally for the base fees for Camp is $550.  In addition to the excursion fees, there are additional costs, such as optional T-shirts, Additional costs relating to Merit Badge selections.  Attached file in my email on May 7th, you will find a spreadsheet (Final Tally.xlsx) with the final amounts due for the trip for each camper.  As usual, please pay finance and bring me the Yellow Copy of the receipt.  Please note, this amount is separate and apart from travel meals and any spending money at Camp Daniel Boone you might want to allocate for that purpose.  This will be addressed at a later time.

By now all scouts will have their Merit Badge selections.  Merit badges may have prerequisites.  Please review the Program Guide for details about prerequisites.  It is the scouts responsibility to have completed these before camp begins.

Waivers and Forms –

  • Medical Forms – All participants must have their Medical forms A-C completed and signed and submitted to Myself (Christopher Thompson) and our medical officer.  We must verify and submit them to CDB well before our week of attendance.
  • Covid Waiver – Please complete and sign the Covid waiver for each participants
  • NOC waiver – Please complete and sign the NOC (Rafting liability waiver) waiver for each participant.
  • Adult Participants – YPT – Please make sure adults have their a current and update YPT certificate

At this time Camp Daniel Boone is requiring camper must have 1 mask for each day.  1ply Neck gaiters will not be permitted.

Attached is a packing List – This list comprises the Essential and Optional Items for Camp Daniel Boone.  All items traveling to CDB must fit in a personal Contico Foot locker (such as model 1320BK-1).  There are 43 participants so space is limited in the trailer that we are taking, so only one Contico will be allowed.  Small Camp Chairs and Fishing Poles and small tackle boxes will be permitted.  Anything other that these items  will not be allowed without special permission from the tour leader.

Electronics/cellphones will be allowed on the car ride, but the must be turned over to adult leadership when we arrive as electronics will not be permitted at camp.  Cell phones don’t work at Camp Daniel Boone any way!

Spending Money and Travel meals –

  • Camp Daniel Boone suggests that the average camper spends $80 at the trading post and CDB.  Spending money will be kept by the Troop Banker and dispensed according to His/Her schedule
  • We will be stopping for two meals along the way to CDB and a dinner just before we arrive.  Plan according to your scouts appetites.

Camp Daniel Boone is a hot spot for fishing, with a lake that is fully stocked with trout.  So bring your Poles and Tackle.  Please note that a limit of two trout per person per day may be caught from the lake (no license required).  If you plan on catching, keeping, cleaning, and cooking more than that, please go with a buddy that isn’t as good a fisherman as you.

There will be more to come in the weeks to follow, I will be sending out a comprehensive  Information guide with all the particulars.  At a later date.


Updated on April 8th

Merit Badges were registered this morning. We did the best we could to secure your scouts choices. In some instances the classes filled up before I was able to register the scout. The main issue we had was with Cooking and Climbing merit badges, this badge filled up quickly.


Updated on April 2nd

Hello Campers and parents,

First off a little house keeping.  I have created new Email Distribution List through google for Camp Daniel Boone 2021.  I will be using this distributions list for future email communications regarding Camp Daniel Boone 2021,  [email protected] address with 787-camp-boone in the subject line.  If you do not receive this email, let me (Chris Thompson) know as your address may not be correctly added to the group. If you would like for your scouts to receive email about Camp Daniel Boone Summer Camp, please send me their emails to add to this list.

We currently have 35 Scouts and 8 Adult leaders signed up to go to Camp Daniel Boone. So we have a few more spots available should any FYEs decide to go when they roll in.

Camp T-shirts – You can find the T-shirt flyer here. The cost for 2021 is $21.99.  These water wicking T-shirts will be customized with troop number and City and State. We will be sending in T-shirt Orders in early April. If you want a T-shirt and haven’t already given me the size. Please let me know.

I will be submitting the order for T-shirts next week. Check with me (Christ Thompson)  if you want a Camp T-shirt and you are not on the list in the email, I do not have you down for a T-shirt.  If you I missed a request from you, I apologize.  Remember – The sizes are Adult sizes.

Rafting – this year CDB offers rafting excursions only on Friday that we intend to participate in.  The whole troop can participate in without missing out on any merit badge activities.  The cost is $50 per person.  As with all water activities at CDB, a Swim Test at Camp Daniel Boone is required.  There are three rivers available in 2021 but the Nantahala, was chosen as an good all-around experience for all levels of participants, being the easiest of the options.  This is an activity for all campers, we will go as a group.  Unless a scout has a severe water phobia, we would suggest that all scouts take this trip; If a scout does not feel up to the task then two adults will need to remain in camp with the scout.

Merit Badges –   The class schedule is posted the first week of March and the registration takes place in early April.

You can view the Merit Badge Offerings by downloading 21_cbd_program_guide.pdf. Some merit badges have additional costs. Download the Merit Badge Class Schedule.  CPB has gone to a block day.  There will be two sessions per day, Friday will be used for Rafting experience.  Camp staff has advised us that there will be more requirements not completed at camp this year than in past years due to these changes.  Some Merit Badges require half a day others a full day others two days.  In addition some Merit Badges have specific prerequisites, requirements and additional costs.  Please refer to the attached program guide for details.  Merit badge registration for our week opens April 8.   The camp has provided a MB selection form, which may be useful for your scouts to make his selections, however I will be putting this form on Google Sheets for you to complete with your selections.

Please try to get the Merit badge selections submitted ASAP.  This will give me a little time to review choices and make sure there are no issues.  Please look closely at the Schedule, some classes are half days only offered a couple times during the week, there may be some confusion about this.  Some courses such as Kayaking and Canoeing require two days (one is Mon/Tues and the other is Wed/Thu).    Rowing and Swimming are two part classes.  And Horsemanship and Animal Sciene meet two times and are offered in the evening and 10 miles away from camp.

Please review the Program Guide and double check that your scouts meets the requirements for the requested merit badge, e.g. Age.   Kayaking for example has a minimum age requirement of 14 years old.  Some Merit Badges also have merit badge prerequisites to take the class, e.g. Emergency Preparedness requires the 1st Aid MB.   Also there are some requirements that are prerequisites that need to be completed before coming to camp, please refer to the Program Guide.

FYE Program –  The First Year Program at CDB is called Going Great, the Morning sessions focus on many Tenderfoot and Second Class requirements while the afternoon sessions move at a faster pace and cover many second class and first class requirements.  For first year scouts and second year scouts that need help ranking up, Mr. Fogg is requiring participation in this program.

Additional Activities – Fishing: there are plenty of opportunities for fishing, if your scout is a Fishing aficionado have them bring a fishing rod.  In the past there were other non-merit badge activities in camp such as shooting and archery.  Nothing has been published as yet but we will get spots should they become available.

HIGH ADVENTURE TREKS – (must be 13 years old June 1) –

Camp Daniel Boon is known for it’s high Adventure treks – Scouts that are 13 years or older can choose to Join a High Adventure Trek in alternative to the week in camp doing merit badges.  These treks have their own costs that is in place of the cost of the summer camp.  You can download 21_high_adventure.pdf which explains the options.  Please note that scouts will be going away from Camp and with Camp Staff and other campers during the week for these high adventure trips, unless an adult leader signs up for the trip, no 787 leadership will be on the High Adventure Trek.  All participants will be sleeping in platform two-person tents while at the Harrison Outpost. Participants have the option to sleep in their personal tents or hammocks.

  • Backpacking Treks: $350.00          – Art Loeb Trail,  Middle Prong Wilderness, or Panthertown Vallley
  • Boonesboro Village: $375.00
  • Ropes Trek: $475.00
  • 5 Days/ 5 Rivers Whitewater: $550.00
  • Zip/Splash: $550.00
  • Paddle, Pedal and Plod: $550.00

Payment Installments  –

  • Deposit – $125
  • Feb 23rd – $200 (or $205 if you paid $120 as a deposit)
  • Mar 30th – $125
  • Final May ? –  To be determined as the final costs are tallied
  • If additional fees are due for high adventure or merit badge classes  these will be added in whole to the next installment due.

Refunds – CDB’s policy is for no Refunds to be given after May 8th – Troop policy however is if a replacement can be found, then the replacement family will reimburse the scout that drops.  If one can’t be found, then potential is no refund. This is outside of Daniel Boone’s policy.

Parents Guide – Please review the parents guide and discuss with your scout.

High Lights

  • Packing List – Page 8 – 12 of Parents Guide contains the Personal equipment packing list for Base Campers and high adventure campers.
  • Camp Rules –page 13
  • Cost of repairs to Facilities – Page 7

Travel to and from Camp – I am looking into rates to rent large passenger vans for the trip with USAA, AAA, Costco, etc.  If you have access to any good group rates through your company etc please let me know.   This will be a significant part of the final cost, so any savings we can find would be well worth it.  Please let me know if you can help.

Medical/Covid19/YPT – Of course we will need updated and current medical forms and Youth Protection (for leaders).  Camp Daniel Boone will be instituting modified health Policies vis-à-vis Covid19 with the usual waivers.  Be aware that It is possible that a scout will be refused at the gate if they show symptoms. If that is the case the parent will need to arrange for alternate return travel plans – no refunds will be given by the Camp, CDP suggest individual travel insurance to cover such an occurrence or any other reason for cancellation.  Therefore please make sure that scouts are healthy before travel.

Please be aware – At some point in the future we will have CDB all hands meeting.


Kind regards,
Chris Thompson
ASM Blazing Aces