Program: Games
Program Patrol: Arctic Phoenix
In keeping with the “Games” theme for August 2022, the Arctic Phoenix patrol is coordinating with Orlando City SC to attend the August 6 soccer game here in Orlando.
Game details:
Orlando City vs. New England
6 Aug/7:30 pm @ Exploria Stadium – Orlando, FL
How to purchase tickets:
Go to the link that provided in the email by ASM Mike La Mott on July 29th specifically created for Troop 787 and purchase your tickets. We will be sitting in a corner section with various church groups to allow for a Scout/Family experience. Please contact Mike at, once you have ordered tickets with how many will be attending so we have a rough idea of participation numbers.
Ticket Price: $20.00 plus order fee, per ticket.
Free! We will utilize the complimentary tailgate section located near Section B (more to follow on exact details from our OCSC customer rep). We can use this space to form as a Troop, play with provided games (cornhole, etc) and of course, park our vehicles.