Campout – Camp Winona 2021 May


05/21/2021 - 05/23/2021    
All Day


YMCA Camp Winona
989 Camp Winona Rd., De Leon Springs, FL, 32130

Event Type

Program: Woodwork
Program Patrol: Arctic Phoenix


We are planning to depart the church at 5:30 pm (1730 hours)

Just a couple of updates from ASM Ralph Burkhart:

  1. We have scheduled lifeguards on Sunday morning so plan on bringing your swim trucks and a towel. You can also fish if you bring your gear. Mr. Fogg may bring some fishing bait.
  2. This morning I made our final arrangements with Camp La-No-Che to make sure we have access early Saturday morning. I asked if there was still a mask requirement. The answer is a mask is required for indoors.
  3. However, I was told each visitor had to fill out the attached COVID19 form. I know this is a surprise. But please fill out the form. Please bring it with you and Mike La Mott will collect them at the church before we depart for camp.

This campout includes earning the Woodwork Merit Badge which will be completed on Saturday by the Council merit badge councilor, Aaron Caverly, at the Camp La-No-Che woodshop.

  • Since the Troop was already scheduled to camp at Winona, this means that early on Saturday morning we will drive over to La-No-Che to begin the merit badge no later than 9am.
  • To give us time to do this, the Troop is providing a “grab and go” breakfast so we can get on the move over to La-No-Che.
  • The Troop is also providing lunches for everyone that will be brought over from our campsite in Winona to La-No-Che.  So lunch will be onsite at La-No-Che with no need for the patrols to prepare.
  • At the end of the day we will bring everyone back to Winona where the Troop will be providing a spaghetti and meatball dinner.

It should be a great day and the boys earning another merit badge.

The Troop is also providing a pancake breakfast on Sunday morning.
Our thanks to Tom Hoisington for creating the menu for this campout and managing the food preparation.
Cost: $15 grub fee, $10 Camp Winona fee, $5 Camp La-No-Che usage fee: Total $30.  This is for both youth and adults.

For any Scout that is not camping, they must arrive at the Camp La-No-Che Woodshop not later than 0830am and please bring a sack lunch. Lunch is provided by the Troop for campers, and is part of the grub fee.