Campout – Camp Winona 2021


03/26/2021 - 03/28/2021    
All Day


YMCA Camp Winona
989 Camp Winona Rd., De Leon Springs, FL, 32130

Event Type

Program: Fishing
Program Patrol: Sea Dragons


  • Please arrive at Willow Creek Church on Friday at 5:30 PM.  Lots and lots must happen (loading gear onto the patrol trailer, loading propane into pickups, car assignments, hitching up the trailers, etc.).  We need to leave promptly at 6:30 to have any chance of setting up camp before dark.
  • BSA Aquatics Supervisor Mike Kochmann plans to join Tom Reynolds (BSA/Red Cross Lifeguard) in administering BSA swim tests to interested Scouts and adults that Saturday in the Camp Winona swimming area, pending weather conditions. It will be done in accordance with Safe Swim Defense practices. Swim test participation is completely optional.
  • Patrols are to bring their own boxes and dining flies and provide Patrol meals
  • Tom Hoisington will be providing grub for the adults!
  • Saturday morning at 8:30, we have a group reservation for 12 at the Old Spanish Sugar Mill restaurant at DeLeon Springs State Park (see pic below)
    • If more are interested, we can draw straws.  The standby line is hours.
    • Entrance fee to the State Park is $6/vehicle
    • The all-you-can-make-and-eat pancakes are fabulous and the breakfast is $$
  • Campout activities and amenities:
    • Troop canoes
    • In-ground 9-square court
    • Gaga ball
    • Obstacle course
    • Kickball
    • Basketball
    • Fishing tournament – Ferrari for the heaviest fish and a Tesla for the most fish
    • Bathroom facility
    • Screened pavilion
    • Swimming (again, if a few Troop Aquatics Instructors or BSA Lifeguards join me)
  • BSA med forms parts A and B are needed by Medical Chair Cheryl Drohan, no later than Tuesday night, to be able to camp this weekend. Part C is not needed until summer camp or high adventure treks. You can download the form here.

Tom Reynolds
Sea Dragon ASM
[email protected]