Campout – Black Hammock troop site


09/22/2023 - 09/24/2023    
All Day


Troop 787 Black Hammock Site
2590 Wichita St., Oviedo, FL, 32765

Event Type

Program: Wilderness Survival
Program Patrol: Arctic Phoenix


This Campout we will be covering the requirements for the Wilderness Survival Merit Badge. We will be camping at our Troop’s Shed/Storage location in Black Hammock, Oviedo, FL.

Scouts will work on learning safety methods, building their shelters throughout the day on Saturday, and sleeping in their shelters on Saturday night. Scouts should bring a tent for Friday night (and in case they need it Saturday night) and should coordinate within their patrol to share a tent with a buddy to reduce the number of tents needed on site. We will also cook meals in patrols, coordinate with your patrol to choose a grub master, and pick up your coolers at Tuesday’s meeting.

To best prepare the scouts for their overnight stay in their shelters, they must bring the following in addition to their normal camping gear:

  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Long pants
  • Bandana or cool weather neck gaiter
  • Insect repellent
  • Water bottle
  • Headlamp (or flashlight)

Register Campout via TroopMaster

  • Friday night will be normal patrol campout, and we are encouraging Scouts to share tents within their patrols.
  • Patrols will be doing their own cooking for the weekend.
  • Saturday will cover the Wilderness Survival Merit badge, including the making of a make-shift shelter. One of the requirements states that the Scouts are to spend one night in their shelter, so if they choose to do so, they can fulfill this requirement Saturday Night.
  • Sunday before departure, all patrols need to go through their patrol gear and prep the red trailer for the next campout, as the trailers and all gear will already be on-site.

ASMs, please coordinate with your patrol as to who is attending, and try to utilize car-pooling if possible. There will not be any driver assignments, so plan accordingly so that no Scouts are left behind. Space will be somewhat limited, so the fewer vehicles in the site, the better. Parents may drop off their Scouts at Black Hammock, but again, we encourage car-pooling if possible.

Arrival time will be a little more loosely scheduled than a normal campout. Scouts and Adults may arrive anytime between 5:30pm and 8pm. There will be a Troop Assembly at 8:30pm, located near the Sheds, in which all attending Scouts should be present for.

Breakdown of Costs:

  • Adults: $25 (Covers Meals)
  • Scouts: $5 (Covers Cost of Portalets) (Does NOT include meals, Patrol cooking)