COVID-19 Meeting Rules for Troop 787

The first part of September 1st meeting is going over all of the COVID-19 guidelines and doing some practicing.

  • Masks to be worn by all in attendance (scouts, siblings, parents, leaders, etc).
  • We will get our Quartermaster to get out our supply of Hand Sanitizer so any can utilize as needed or directed.   Bring your own as backup in the event we run low.
  • Breakout sessions are limited to 10 people per group/patrol.
  • 6 ft social distancing will be followed.
  • When we lineup as patrols each scout should have 6 ft in Front, Back and both sides to ensure they are distanced.   We will practice this.
  • The program patrol adults will lead the cleanup crew and clean (wipe down) all facilities we use at Willow Creek.  For the time being this will be adult managed with supervision of any scouts involved in the cleanup.
  • The troop has a thermometer and will/may check each attendees temp upon arrival and/or as needed.
  • We also have masks we purchased for Lanoche as backup in the event someone forgets theirs or they tear/break/etc.    We will look to have these in the committee room or near an entrance door.
  • Parents – as with all COVID-19 guidelines – if you suspect someone in your family is sick or may have come in contact with COVID-19 – keep your scouts home and safe until quarantined enough to confirm all is ok.
  • Lastly – This will be a work-in-process as we acclimate to the rules and work to get all the scouts to adhere to the rules/guidelines.

Duane Fogg
Scoutmaster Troop 787