BSA Medical Form Changes

BSA has updated the required medical forms (forms A, B, and C).  Download attached a pdf with the updated forms.
How does this affect me?
1:  If you or your son are new to the troop  = use the new BSA forms.
2:  If you or your son have forms on file that are expired – please update ASAP = use the new BSA forms.
3:  If you or your son have forms on file that are current – no need to do anything now = you will you the new BSA forms when the current forms expire.

Just to clarify which are needed for which activities. This includes both adults and scouts.
Forms A/B and a copy of insurance are required for ALL camping trips.
Form C (physical signed by MD or NP) is required for summer camp or High Adventure.

These requirements are for the safety of both scouts and adults.  They expedite the ability of the leaders to treat both simple issues, as well as, more serious ones that may require medical help.