Program: Camporee PrepProgram Patrol: Leaders
Program: Space ExplorationProgram Patrol: Lightning Wolves Follow this link to download the Worksheets (Word or PDF format available)
Program: Webelos Transition & Scout SkillsProgram Patrol: PLC Troop is hosting Webelos Transition weekend, will be prepping for the event.
Program: Bird Study & Primitive CookingProgram Patrol: Blazing Aces Follow this link to download the Worksheets (Word or PDF format available)…
For the past many years the troop has gone through an annual recharter process where we confirm you are renewing…
Program: GolfProgram Patrol: Night Phoenix We will focus more specifically on disc golf. The goal is let the boys try…
Program: ArchitectureProgram Patrol: Toxic Arrows Follow this link to download the Worksheets (Word or PDF format available)
Program: LeatherworkProgram Patrol: Night Phoenix Follow this link to download the Worksheets (Word or PDF format available)
Program: American HeritageProgram Patrol: Blazing Aces The Blazing Aces Patrol will be presenting the American Heritage Merit Badge during the…
Program: Movie MakingProgram Patrol: Lightning Wolves Follow this link to download the Worksheets (Word or PDF format available)