Scout Olympics – Hosted by Silver Knights Patrol
The Troop 787 First Year Program will officially start on Tuesday, March 3. We are going to have a fast…
If you or your child is attending the Canoeing & Sports camp out on March 13th-15th at Long Point Park,…
It is Camp Card season once again and we are looking for one of our adults to the lead the…
Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout – Hosted by Sea Dragons Patrol
BSA has updated the required medical forms (forms A, B, and C). Download attached a pdf with the updated forms.How…
Warhawk – Wilderness First Aid Situations
Shared from another Scouting thread… If you want your kids to learn how to become athletes and become physically active,…
This is a letter from the managers for Winter Camp at Camp La-No-Che to our Scout Master, Duane Fogg. I’m…
Titans/Raptors – Webelos Transition