Basic Gear List for Camping

Here is a basic gear list – the scout handbook also has a gear list. Note that we do not typically take Class A uniforms on troop campouts. For troop campouts we use the troop t-shirt. At District or Council events and at summer camp, we take Class A.

Personal Scout Gear:

  • Scout Hand Book in gallon zip lock bag
  • Blanket or Sleeping Bag and sleeping pad
  • Tent Ground cloth for tent. Only siblings may share a tent due to Covid.
  • Rain Gear
  • Flash light or headlamp


  • Troop T-Shirt
  • Shorts and long pants as weather dictates – at least two
  • T-shirt – at least two – non cotton is preferred. Scout shirt preferred.
  • Jacket (sweat shirt)
  • Socks – at least two pair
  • Shoes – must be closed toe and heel. Extra pair .
  • Sleeping clothes – scouts should not sleep in the clothes they wear during the day.
  • Underwear – two to three pair
  • Class A uniform is not generally required on campouts.
  • Swimsuit
  • Water shoes, or extra shoes that can get wet.
  • Towel

Mess Kit

  • Plastic dish
  • Spoon
  • Drinking cup

Other items

  • Toiletries including soap, tooth brush & tooth paste
  • Small amount of toilet paper just in case
  • Small pillow
  • Towel
  • Personal first aid kit – (bandaids, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment)
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Sun block
  • Hat