Webelos/AOL Open House – 2021

It is that time of year where the Cub Scouting program is active again after a limited summer program.  5th graders are in their last 6 months before the cross-over to Boy Scouts in February.   The Arrow of Lights (5th grade Webelos) will be visiting troops to decide where they want to cross-over.

Adults and scouts, its time to do a reach back to the Pack you came from and let them know about our Open House and invite them to attend.  Have them email me their planned attendance so we can plan for the food we will be preparing.

In addition, encourage them to attend a regular troop meeting also so they can see the troop in its normal setting.

Our scouts have planned the following:

  • Monkey Bridge
  • Camp Fire
  • Canoeing on our pond
  • Dutch Oven cooking (pizza, desserts, BBQ meatballs, etc)
  • Model campsites (Patrol and High Adventure)