Troop Meeting


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Willow Creek Church
4725 E Lake Dr. , Winter Springs, FL, 32708

Event Type

  • 7:00 – 8:00pm Re-Charter Strategy Discussion
    • All Parents, ASMs, Committee members will meet upstairs for this vital discussion on our charter organization.
    • We need everyone there, mark off the date.
  • 7:00pm – 8:30pm Cooking MB Program
    • All scouts in the main hall, FYE will break out at 8pm for gear demo.
  • 8:00pm – 9:00pm Gear Demo by Mr. Coppenhaver
    • for all the FYE Families (and 2nd year who would like to attend or did not go to Thunder last year) will take place in the downstairs breakout room.
    • This is mandatory for all FYE scouts and at least one parent.
    • Please review the attached gear guide PDF prior to the meeting.
    • Expect this to run until 9pm.

Class B uniforms

Meeting space:
– Chapel (current meeting location)
– Room 102 (current committee room)
– Room 103, 204 & 500, 501 & 502 Only (2nd floor big room and first two classrooms – Patrol Meetings and break out sessions)