Message from Advancement Committee

Online Merit Badge:

With the ongoing COVID pandemic there are many merit badges offered online for Scouts.  What I have learned after a discussion with the District Online Merit Badge representative is the importance of following the process listed below.  

Once the merit badge is completed online, the Scout must print out the digitally signed white card and present it to the Troop Advancement Committee as evidence of valid completion of the merit badge requirements.  

Printing this card will ensure two things, one that the Scout has a permanent record of completing the merit badge while awaiting the white card from COH and provide verified evidence of completion for submission to the Advancement Committee.
 The due diligence on both the part of the scout and the Advancement Committee will ensure accurate records for the District.

You can find more about Online Merit Badge Program at

Service Hours:

Scouts completing service hours will need to submit a signed verification sheet along with the date of service performed, location, and signature of the beneficiary.  This will ensure that all information is collected as needed to enter correctly into Troopmaster and upload to the District. 

The Advancement Committee truly appreciates everyone’s help and we are doing our best to ensure that all scout’s records align with the District.