Scout Story – Little things mean a lot!!

Here is another story from the history of Troop 787:

Matt Tucker was a member of the Flaming Arrow patrol from 1999 to 2007 timeframe.  He was a quiet scout who moved through advancements at a normal pace.  He became a member of the OA as many of our scouts did.   Matt flourished in the OA environment and made a difference at the Lodge (Council) level.

Matt decided to attend Crooms Technology High School.   Matt became known as a database guru while my son Jeremy became well known for web design/graphic arts.   Jeremy was a member of Tipisa Lodge’s Executive Committee (LEC) for Publications and Web Site management.   The lodge had a big issue in that their database for membership was in very bad shape to the point where no mail could be used to communicate to members.    Jeremy recommended to the lodge to bring in Matt Tucker and assign him the task of fixing the data base.   Matt came in and did recover and make the database up to date and usable.

Matt made an impact on the LEC which convinced him to pursue a new role.   He ran for and became the Lodge Treasurer, this position kept Matt in the forefront to all members at events and he was very recognizable to lodge members.

After Matt completed his term as Treasurer, he decide to run for Tipisa Lodge Chief (#1 scout in the entire council).   The elections are held in May at the Tipisa Service Weekend.  As Scoutmaster I made a big pitch about how OA scouts from the troop needed to be at the Service Weekend to support Matt.  

Matt was going up against Matt Rowe and Jamar Heasley, each of them were very popular Lanoche camp staff members which meant this election was going to be tough.  The weekend attendance is typically 150-200 scouts, this particular weekend there were over 300 attending.

Troop 787 was represented well, but I found out that a 787 OA scout, pushed a couple of his patrol members and convinced his dad to drive the 4 of them to Lanoche for the election so they could support Matt.

The first round of voting resulted in Matt Tucker and Matt Rowe moving to the next round with the majority.   Each gave a speech and a second vote was taken.  This vote was a tie with over 300+ voters.  More speeches then another vote.  It resulted in a tie once again.   More speeches and another vote, it was still tied.   Matt Tucker’s final speech was focused on electing someone you know would do work and get things done.   The last vote fell to Matt Tucker from Troop 787.   I have been in the OA since 1973, and have never seen a tie vote at a Lodge weekend, then to have 3 was unbelievable.

Here is where little things mean a lot, if that 787 OA scout had not got with his patrol and convince his dad to drive to Lanoche, this vote would have gone to Matt Rowe.   Matt Rowe became 1st Vice Chief and then Lodge Chief the following year.

Matt Tucker, Jeremy Fogg, Danny Holland, Peter and John Whitfield are from the Flaming Arrow patrol all have served as Chapter, Lodge (council), Section (state) and National positions in the OA and each had the Vigil Honor bestowed on them.   A troop having one Vigil member in 10 years is typical, here we had 5 from one patrol which is unheard of.   These guys were strong components of OA in the troop and each fed off each other which upped their involvement.   Overall we as a troop have had 10 Vigil Honors in 34 years and our scouts have served as:  Lodge Chief, Lodge 1st Vice Chief, Lodge Secretary, Lodge Treasurer, Lodge Historian, Lodge Webmaster, Lodge Membership Chair, Publications Chair, Web Chair, Show staff, Section Webmaster, National Show staff.

Matt Tucker continues as an adult and provides an Advisor role in the OA for various youth positions.

Duane Fogg