High Adventure at Troop 787

The High Adventure emails for Sea Base, Philmont, Northern Tier and the Summit are typically sent to the scoutmaster.  I then forward to the entire group, but the expectation is the ASM’s will act upon those emails based on what their individual patrols have in their future plans.

Each of the High Adventure Bases have Crew Requests get submitted about 18-24 months in advance.   They then process each request as part of a lottery system and award crews a slot or place them on a waiting list.

Each of these High Adventure Bases have minimum age and health/fitness requirements.   Sea Base is like Club Med and not very strenuous; Northern Tier presents solid toughness challenges; Philmont is very challenging and in my view targeted for 15 and up, late 14 if they have hit their growth spurt.   The Summit’s requirements vary depending on your choice of activity.

If one or more crews is awarded then we will fill the crews with scouts from our troop. If we have vacancies, we have brought in scouts from another troop.   

Keep in mind, many of these crew requests are aligned with each of our patrols with the intent they will be filled by their patrols scouts.   If there is space we fill with scouts from other patrols.   

Our Philmont 2021 crew is primarily Sea Dragons, but also have Silver Knights, Warhawks, Vipers, Titans on the list to go.   They have 3 on the waiting list at this time.

Just having the money to pay for the trip does not guarantee you will go.  Each trip has “shakedown” events and “teamwork” drills to prep everyone who is planning to go.   If you skip these lead up events, do not work as a team member or have disciplinary issues you could be bumped and replaced by someone on the waiting list. This may seem a bit harsh but, the crew wants to “ENJOY” their trip, not “ENDURE” it because someone in the crew is not being a team player.

The ASM’s as they are planning their patrols future, they have to track their ages, etc against the minimum requirements for each trip.  Depending on the spread of birthdates, you may have to have part of your group go 1 year, with the late birthdays have to wait a year.  These are all considerations for when to request your crews.

Generally – Sea Base is good for 13 and up; Northern Tier 14 and up recommended, requirements may allow 13 and complete the 8 grade; Philmont – 15 and up, late 14 – key is they will be carrying 35+ to 55+ pounds and have to have the physical ability to do so.   


Duane Fogg