Camping with Troop 787

Our troop goes on a wide variety of campouts and each campout has its own requirements.

The general plan for camping is:

Sign up – The program patrol makes permission forms available for several meetings in advance. Both scouts and adults need to complete and turn in the form.

Camping Fees – These are the fees associated with the camp location and expenses for the camping program. These fees are paid to the Troop when the registration form is turned in.

Food –  The scouts (with help from Troop Guides if you’re FYE) will plan a menu for the patrol. The patrol chooses a grub master to do the shopping for the patrol. The adults will have a grub master who will handle organizing meals for all the adults. For the first campout to FYE, a troop guide will serve as grub master.  Depending on numbers, we will form temporary patrols for the campout.

Food money – Scouts pay the grub master directly. This should be done by the boys (not the adults) however, we know some adult supervision will be required. Adults pay their grub fee with their camping fee when they register for the campout.

Campout Prep Night – Usually the Tuesday before a campout. The patrol is responsible for loading gear in the scout trailer. The grub master picks up the patrol’s cooler and food box and takes them home. He brings them back on Friday with the weekend’s food.

Meet up time – We always (almost always) meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Troop Black Hammock site for final loading, car assignments, and roll call. The troop does not leave for a camp out until about 6:00 p.m. or later so we are usually setting up in the dark. Scouts should eat before arriving, or bring dinner unless you know your driver is going to stop at a drive through.

At the campsite – The troop designates adult tent areas and scout tent areas. Adults camp and eat in a separate area (separate may mean simply on the other side of an imaginary line). There is an adult grub master who manages the kitchen and all adults pitch in as they can.

Campsite Set up – We first set up troop and patrol gear, and then set up personal gear. The Troop Guides will help the FYE’s pick an appropriate camp site. Adults should avoid helping their scout set up his tent. If a scout needs help, he should ask a Troop Guide.

Return Trip – We return to the Troop Black Hammock site on Sunday between 11 am and 1 pm. Once back at the Black Hammock site, personal gear, coolers and dry goods boxes are unloaded. Then scouts go to the sheds to unload the patrol gear from the trailer. Only after all gear is put away, are scouts dismissed by the Senior Patrol Leader.

Adults must have current Youth Protection Training. Scouts and Adults must have BSA Medical Form parts A&B. Youth Protection training is available online at The medical form does not require a doctor’s signature. It is available at our website or (or search for BSA medical form).

Now, follow this link if you want to know the basic gear list at Troop 787 Camping