2021 Summer Camp – Action Items

The leadership teams are working to be ready for Camps, Lanoche (June 6th) and Daniel Boone (July 10th).  

Action Items for each scout going to camp:

  • Pay your fees for camp and any extras identified for your activities/merit badges.  
    • Lanoche – all fees due by May 25th.  
    • Daniel Boone – all fees due by June 22nd.  
    • After these dates, you may be dropped from the trip.  
    • See your tour leader (Lanoche – Eric Orndorff or Chris Thompson – Daniel Boone) for any questions or to discuss your plans for payment.
  • Make sure your Physical (Medical forms) Parts A, B and C are complete and turned in to Cheryl Drohan.  
    • Summer Camps do NOT let anyone stay onsite without a completed Physical Form.   Most camps review each page one by one for each attendee, can take an hour during check-in on Sunday.  
    • Any that are more than 1 year old are Expired,  New ones needed.   This applies to both scouts and adults attending camp.
  • Expect a Camp meeting night soon –
    • Scouts and Parents must attend, this is to work out logistics, discuss plans, ensure covered for transportation to/from camp.  
    • Parents – each camp will have a “Banker” adult leader, you may place in a banking envelope the cash your scout can use at the trading post, etc.  They will have to see the banker to withdraw funds from his envelope.   You can specify on the envelope instructions such as:  $10 a day max withdrawal.   

Duane Fogg